Successful people who live highly fulfilling lives, create more than they consume. When you create more than you consume, you not only enjoy financial and material success along with good health, but you also find lasting happiness and fulfillment.
Successful people who live highly fulfilling lives, create more than they consume. When you create more than you consume, you not only enjoy financial and material success along with good health, but you also find lasting happiness and fulfillment.
Most people believe knowledge is power and that success depends on how much a person knows. Knowledge is power but knowledge without action can be useless. Professors and academics of the world, in spite of possessing a great deal of education and knowledge, are not the millionaires of today’s world. You also see people like Steve Jobs who in spite of dropping out of college make it really big in life. Henry Ford, inventor of the automobile and the founder of the Ford Motor Company had only but a few years of schooling. How did these men become successful and do better than other educated men of their time?